Find out why innovation is essential for driving economic growth and jobs for Queensland’s future. Read The Innovation for a Future Economy 2022–2032 Roadmap and learn about the six priority areas and initiatives that are helping Queensland to become a dynamic innovation economy.

The Innovation for a Future Economy 2022–2032 Roadmap

The Innovation for a Future Economy 2022–2032 Roadmap sets out a clear direction and vision for Queensland to become a leading and sustainable innovation economy.

To create the jobs, industries and businesses of the future, Queensland will focus energy and investment in six priority areas.

Each priority area has an ultimate goal and key objectives to achieve along the journey.

Our six priorities

These six areas are the essential priorities of the ten-year Roadmap.

  • Priority 1. Capital attraction

    We want to make Queensland a more welcoming state for investors. Getting more capital funding will help us to start, grow, attract and retain more innovative businesses.

    Outcome: Greater investment attraction and more innovative businesses starting, growing and staying in Queensland

  • Priority 2. Research collaboration and commercialisation

    Turning great research into commercial opportunities is key to building a thriving innovation economy. Better research-business collaboration is vital for success.

    Outcome: Queensland’s research and collaborations are translated into creating commercialisation opportunities.

  • Priority 3. Talent, skills and new technologies

    A sustainable future needs a growing tech sector, skilled workforce and support for new industry growth. We want to encourage STEM, support our young people to become future entrepreneurs and our priority industries to innovate.

    Outcome: Queensland’s existing and emerging priority industries and talent are globally competitive.

  • Priority 4. Innovative and sustainable solutions

    We need ideas, sustainable solutions and businesses that can grow from startups to enterprises. Major events like the Olympics can stimulate ideas, partnerships and address challenges.

    Outcome: Queensland’s big challenges and events are supported through innovative and sustainable solutions

  • Priority 5. Innovation precincts and places

    Building innovation infrastructure and networks encourage sharing and collaboration. Hubs of researchers, students, entrepreneurs and investors will drive innovation and growth.

    Outcome: Queensland has world-class innovation infrastructure to drive ideas through to commercialisation, adoption and diffusion

  • Priority 6. Connected and inclusive ecosystem

    Diversity and inclusivity are crucial for a bright future. We’ll prioritise support for regional, female and First Nations innovators and other diverse communities for a strong and sustainable innovation ecosystem that benefits all Queenslanders.

    Outcome: Queensland has a well-connected, inclusive and thriving innovation ecosystem

Last updated: 17 Jul 2024