This meso-level evaluation assessed the implementation process and effectiveness of a suite of programs which supported industry focused research and diversity in the research sector.

The programs (and rounds) in scope for this evaluation completed by Nous Group in 2019 were:

  • PhD Scholarships
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander PhD Scholarships
  • Research Fellowships (2016 and 2017) and Industry Research Fellowships (2018)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Fellowships
  • The Women’s Academic Fund.

Each of the programs utilised a grant funding mechanism to provide financial support to conduct research in Queensland, and most required collaboration with an industry partner, thereby forging partnerships and greater understanding between research institutions and industry.

Findings of the evaluation informer programs and activities aimed at supporting research and collaborations between research and industry.

Key findings

The evaluation found the programs were well-designed and have catalysed and expedited research and strengthened academic and industry collaboration with potential commercial outcomes.

Key findings include:

  • Fellows (94%) and industry partners (86%) overwhelmingly agreed the project would not have occurred, would have been de-scoped, or been delayed without Advance Queensland funding.
  • 92% of industry partners indicated participating in the program enabled them to solve a problem or produce a product they otherwise would not have been able to.
  • More than three quarters of PhD and Fellowship participants (76%) believe their industry partner is likely or very likely to fund additional research. The programs have leveraged $16.6 million in industry investment, and 96% of industry partners indicated the Advance Queensland program has encouraged them to consider investing in research in the future.


Read the Meso 2 Supporting Research Programs Evaluation report (PDF, 2MB).

Last updated: 17 Jul 2024