
Advance Queensland (AQ) surveyed businesses who had applied through various grants and programs to gain a better understanding of their perceptions towards innovation and to answer four research questions:

  1. To what extent are AQ business applicants and recipients innovating?
  2. What are the benefits for AQ businesses that innovate?
  3. What are the challenges faced by AQ businesses?
  4. What are the areas of support required by AQ businesses to innovate?

The survey was administered to all AQ business contacts between 30 April and 3 June 2024 and received a response rate of 19%. Results were compared against state and national figures for the same reference period (2 years to June 2023), as reported by the ABS in the Innovation in Australian Business series.

An Insights Note with the summary of findings has been produced:

Key findings

  1. AQ businesses were very active in innovation compared to typical Queensland businesses.
  2. The benefits of innovation were mostly related to improving the fiscal position of the business.
  3. Access to specialist skills and funding were common barriers to many aspects of innovation.
  4. Key themes of innovation enablers included: funding; improving networks and; improving internal capability.


For more information about this survey or the underlying analysis, contact

Last updated: 17 Sep 2024