This rapid review of selected regional programs is intended to provide a high-level assessment of outcomes contributing to Advance Queensland’s strategic objectives.

The programs in scope for this evaluation were:

  • Advancing Regional Innovation Program (ARIP)
  • Regional Angel Investors Support Program
  • Regional Startup Hubs Support Program
  • Regional Startup Onramp
  • Regional Network Fund collaborative projects.

This rapid review carried out a desktop assessment of more than 250 program reports and documents. The review was conducted from October to December 2020.

The scope of this rapid review is focused on the above programs, however the influence of other Advance Queensland programs, other government support and private sector activities on regional innovation are also acknowledged.

Findings of the evaluation informed the development of regional innovation programs and activities.

Key findings

The evaluation found that significant progress had been achieved since the inception of Advance Queensland in 2015-2016.

Key findings include:

  • Regional investment had successfully facilitated the development of Queensland’s regional innovation ecosystems and contributed to Advance Queensland strategic objectives.
  • Regional innovation capacity and capability various across locations and is influenced by local ecosystem maturity level.
  • A continued focus on sustainable regional innovation ecosystems is vital through mass collaboration and public and private partnerships geared towards projects that achieve local collective impact with legacy both within and across regions.


Read the Regional Innovation Programs Review (PDF, 5MB).

Last updated: 17 Jul 2024