Discover our strategies for the future of Queensland innovation. Our long-term vision sets out roadmaps to help us build a future economy in key priority sectors.
We’re investing in a brighter tomorrow
Our focus is on securing Queensland’s economic future. Many of our future jobs will be knowledge-based. Innovation is vital to drive economic growth and jobs for Queensland’s future.
- Learn about what we have set out to achieve to grow a dynamic future economy in the lead up to the Brisbane 2032 Olympics and Paralympic Games. We want fresh thinking and new ideas to be at the heart of everything Queensland does.
- Find out how we’ll empower communities and help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses realise their innovation ideas.
- Discover why we want to bring together clever thinkers, entrepreneurs and investors in collaborative innovation precincts.
- Explore the industry roadmaps to understand why these high-growth areas have so much potential for Queensland’s economy.
Our Roadmap: Innovation for a Future Economy
Learn how our 2022–2032 Roadmap sets out the direction, key priority outcomes and initiatives in Queensland’s innovation journey.
Deadly Innovation Strategy
We plan to harness relationships, strengthen respect and create opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and innovators.
Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy
Government, industry and the community working together to grow and develop Queensland’s innovation places, creating engines of economic growth and job creation.
Last updated: 17 Jul 2024