Program overview
Who is it for?
Queensland’s regional innovation leaders.
What are the grant/program objectives?
Support collaborative projects that unlock economic potential of Queensland’s regions through greater participation in our innovation ecosystem, whether by solving a significant problem or creating an opportunity for the regions.
What does it involve?
We provide funding for partnerships, up to 18 months, supporting your collaborative projects that break new ground, pioneer new industry frontiers and bring together partners to solve problems using collective strengths.
What are the grant/program goals?
The program supports collaborative projects with the following aims:
- provide tangible benefits to regional communities
- support regional strengths and/or emerging industries
- realise potential and remove barriers targeting issues of regional significance
- increase the regional ecosystem’s capability and contribute to its future prosperity and resilience.
What will recipients get?
Up to $200,000 (excluding GST) for projects of up to 18 months — and at least 50% matched funding from you — the applicant — and partner organisation/s.
Advance Queensland Regional Futures Collaborative Projects Program information session 2024 (video)
How do you apply?
Applications for this fund are currently closed. For future reference, when applying for funding through programs such as the Regional Futures – Collaborative Projects fund, it’s always good to read the program guidelines and other supporting information to help you develop your response to the program criteria. It’s also good to gather evidence, including partner contributions, letters of support and financials. This will strengthen your case.
The Smarty Grants Help Guide provides guidance and has lots of helpful hints about how to apply for grants.
Subscribe to the Advance Queensland newsletter and stay up to date with our latest funding programs.
Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for funding, the applicant organisation must at the time of application:
- be based in a Queensland region (outside Brisbane City Council boundaries)
- have an ABN and be registered for GST
- have a collaboration with at least one other project partner based in a Queensland region
- have a total cash contribution from the lead applicant and/or collaborative partner/s that is equal to or greater than 50% of the grant amount sought from the Collaborative Projects program.
The proposed collaborative project must be able to demonstrate:
- significance of the opportunity or innovation activity
- strength of the collaboration
- viability of the project
- benefit to the region, sector and Queensland.
If you have questions about this program, please email
Supporting resources
- Collaborative Projects Guidelines (PDF, 576KB)
- Additional information (PDF, 487KB)
- Tips and tricks (PDF, 597KB)
- Example Financial Incentive Agreement (PDF, 458KB)
Additional support
- Grant writing information
- Tourism and Events Queensland grant writing guide
- Queensland Government Grants Finder
Previous recipients
View the latest Regional Futures – Collaborative Projects funding recipients and see how they’re using innovation to solve challenges in their region.
Case studies
Unlocking innovation in the Gold Coast to shape the future of healthcare
Innovative developments in health tech are transforming global healthcare — from the Gold Cast — with some help from Advance Queensland.
Transforming the Food and Agribusiness Ecosystem in regional Queensland
Sunshine Coast-based Food and Agribusiness Network is adopting innovation to drive change and collaboration through clusters of related food and agribusinesses, thanks to an Advance Queensland Regional Futures Collaborative Project.
Red Ridge's Indigenous designs shine at Brisbane Fashion Month
A group of central western Queensland Aboriginal artists made the transition from canvas to fashion with the help of a grant from Advance Queensland.