Program overview

Who is it for?

The Private Sector Pathways (PSP) Program supports innovative small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) based in Queensland to collaborate with corporate partners to develop commercialisation opportunities.

What are the grant/program objectives?

We want to increase partnerships between small-to-medium enterprises and corporate businesses/large organisations to solve problems and build commercial opportunities for Queensland.

What does it involve?

Corporates or large organisations set a business challenge and invite solutions from SMEs. Selected applicants can receive co-funding of up to $200,000 from Advance Queensland and the corporate partner to trial their solutions for 6–12 months.


  • Each challenge will be co-funded by Advance Queensland and the corporate challenge owner for 6–12 months. Challenge statements will provide a guide of expected timing and project costs.
  • The successful applicant will be required to enter into a PSP Program Agreement with Advance Queensland and the corporate partner, which will include the terms of participation (PDF, 394KB).

The applicant owns the Intellectual Property (IP) that they provide and/or develop during their PSP project. Any background IP the Corporate owns and is provided for during the project, the Corporate retains. The terms of participation (PDF, 394KB) set out how IP is managed through the PSP program.

What will recipients get?

Benefits for SMEs and scaleups

  • Advance Queensland funding to trial technologies with corporates
  • Create connections with corporates and potential commercial contracts
  • Opportunity to pivot products or services to a new sector
  • Retain intellectual property (IP)
  • Building credibility by having large corporate customers.

Benefits for corporates and large organisations

  • Exposure to the latest technological innovations
  • Solve corporate challenges using local solutions and technologies
  • Diversify procurement and supply chain options to a wide range of Queensland innovative businesses
  • Co-fund, de-risk and increase the speed of adoption of improved efficiencies and technologies.

How do you apply?

Current challenges

Challenge owner Challenge statement

Terms of participation

Closing date
Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and InnovationStreamline data processes to efficiently process, analyse and store biodiversity data (PDF, 292KB)Private Sector Pathways terms of participation (PDF, 394KB) Applications closed

View the information webinar recording

SMEs can apply to solve more than one challenge.

Corporates can submit expressions of interest to partner with Advance Queensland to release new challenges at any time.

How it works

The PSP Program uses a staged application and evaluation process designed to help corporates to trial innovative Queensland-developed solutions.

  • Identify: Advance Queensland works with corporates to nominate challenges and define their scope and parameters. A challenge statement sets out the benefits sought and identifies constraints.
  • Release: The challenge statement is released to market and information sessions may be held to allow applicants to better understand the challenge from the corporate. Funding amounts available for each challenge will be advertised with the challenge statement.
  • Engage: Applications are assessed. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to present their proposed solutions to the evaluation panel.
  • Select: An applicant with feasible solutions is selected. Final parameters and negotiations are finalised before entering the project stage.
  • Fund: The successful applicant will receive co-funding from Advance Queensland and the corporate to develop and pilot their proposed solution.

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Eligibility criteria

Corporate eligibility

  • Organisations must have an office in Queensland
  • Be a legal entity and hold an active ABN or Australian Registered Body Number
  • Corporate pays tax in Australia and employs staff in Queensland
  • Ideally operates within one of the priority industry sectors — advanced manufacturing, hydrogen, bio-futures, biomedical, defence, aerospace, space, resource recovery and mining technology
  • Have obtained internal approval to make the application, including approval to co-fund all project costs not covered by financial assistance provided through the program
  • Have the financial ability to deliver the project.

Applicant eligibility

  • Queensland-registered ABN
  • Registered for GST (at time of contract execution)
  • Be an established Queensland-based startup or small to medium enterprise (SME) with a full-time equivalent (FTE) employee count below 200
  • Applicants must have a product — being developed in Queensland — which is at, or beyond, the minimum viable product (MVP) stage
  • Applicants who have had previous commercial contracts from the participating corporate are not eligible to apply. The PSP program intends to provide new opportunities for applicants to work with participating corporates.


If you have questions about this program, please email

Supporting resources

Additional support

Previous recipients

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