Universities and researchers

We are reinvigorating science, research and innovation to help create the knowledge-based jobs of the future.

Our Advance Queensland programs and funds are listed below to help you find the support your need. 

You can also view Queensland Government and Australian Government support options. 

Industry Research Foundations

Find out how you can get funding to employ a Queensland-based Honours, Masters or PhD graduate to help solve an industry challenge.

One Business

Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by creating pathways to participate in Queensland's innovation economy.

Science into Industry Initiative

The $17 million Science into Industry Initiative aims to make Queensland’s science sector more competitive by accelerating the translation of research and development, supporting universities and research institutes to partner with industry to build new products and services.

Industry Research Projects

Supporting opportunities for researchers and industry to translate research outcomes into commercialisation opportunities for innovative services and products.

Agtech and Logistics Hub in Toowoomba

Transforming Queensland’s agricultural sector by facilitating connections, collaboration, partnerships and opportunities to solve industry’s biggest challenges.

CQUniversity Advanced Technology and Innovation Centre (ATIC)

Supporting innovation, education, and job creation in regional Queensland, with a focus on agtech and manufacturing innovations, engineering, communication technology and design. 

Engaging Science Grants

Supports events, activities and projects including citizen science projects that increase public participation in science. 

Industry Research Fellowships

Supporting PhD qualified researchers to undertake innovative research that addresses an industry issue and to partner with industry to translate research outcomes into practical application. 

Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network

The Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network is a state-wide approach to increasing science and innovation engagement in regional Queensland.

Queensland Connects

Bringing together key innovation ecosystem leaders to solve a regional challenge or unlock a key sectoral or regional opportunity that will help connect and grow the sector or region.

Queensland-Chinese Academy of Sciences (Q-CAS) Collaborative Science Fund

Encourages research collaborations between scientists in Queensland and the Chinese Academy of Sciences with grants over 2 years to deliver benefits for Queensland and China.
