
We are helping make Queensland an investment destination for businesses by building a collaborative environment between research bodies and industry.

Our Advance Queensland programs and funds are listed below to help you find the support your need. 

You can also view Queensland Government and Australian Government support options. 

Regional Enablers Program

Amplifying local opportunities for Innovation Driven Enterprises to accelerate growth in regions, and activate a more connected network of regional innovation organisations.

Regional Futures

Accelerating regional economic growth through innovation

Agtech and Logistics Hub in Toowoomba

Transforming Queensland’s agricultural sector by facilitating connections, collaboration, partnerships and opportunities to solve industry’s biggest challenges.

Queensland Connects

Bringing together key innovation ecosystem leaders to solve a regional challenge or unlock a key sectoral or regional opportunity that will help connect and grow the sector or region.

Queensland Venture Capital Development Fund

Accelerates, develops and enhances Queensland’s venture capital industry to support early-stage startups to scale and create high-value jobs.
