The centre is an initiative of Queensland’s Digital Economy Strategy and the Advance Queensland Deadly Innovation Strategy, in partnership with the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group to increase economic opportunities and independence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through greater involvement in the innovation economy.

The Palm Island Digital Service Centre officially opened on 16 June 2023 and is the second activation of the First Nations Community Digital Transformation Project. The Cherbourg Digital Service Centre was the first in the program to operate in a remote Indigenous community.

The centre operates from Monday to Friday with 10 full-time positions

Founded in 2007, PICC is a community-controlled organisation  providing a full range of primary healthcare, community services and social enterprises to the island community.

PICC CEO Rachel Atkinson said the company was the largest employer on Palm Island and has always been committed to local employment and skills.

“We have a track record in providing a range of comprehensive health and community services, social enterprises as well as the governance, management experience and scale to ensure the effective management of the new centre,” Ms Atkinson said.

“It all came about due to Duncan Kerslake from the Advance Queensland Deadly Innovation team.

“He initiated and facilitated the conversations regarding the possibility of having digital jobs on Palm Island.

“He and his team were supportive the whole way along. They brought the experience they had with helping establish a similar digital service centre at Cherbourg.”

The Cherbourg Service Centre opened last year and was the first digital service centre to operate in a remote Indigenous community. The centre grew from 10 staff to 30 in one year.

The Deadly Innovation Strategy aims to increase economic participation and independence for Indigenous Queenslanders through involvement in the innovation economy.

The new Palm Island centre is designed to boost the economic development of Palm Island through digital skills training and employment opportunities.

The centre is a partnership between the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group, the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport, Telstra, PICC, and Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council.

“Initially we ran various community information sessions regarding the centre and used local networks to let the community know about it,” Ms Atkinson said.

“The community is proud to have the centre on the island, creating jobs for local people.”

Jobs at the centre are filled by Palm Island residents.

“PICC and TAFE recruited island residents to undertake a TAFE Work readiness ‘bootcamp,’ so they can gain the skills needed to qualify for jobs delivering services for Telstra at the Palm Island Digital Service Centre,” Ms Atkinson said.

“After the 12-week TAFE course, they then undertook five weeks of Telstra-specific training to assist customers on service calls.”

But the training doesn’t end there.

While they are working, staff will continue their studies by completing a Certificate III in Business (BSB30120) with TAFE Queensland.

The benefit for staff is that they gain qualifications and experience that is transferable throughout Australia.

Ms Atkinson said another group of residents is due to commence Telstra training in January to prepare to begin operating in the digital service centre in February.

“The centre is an excellent employment opportunity for people on Palm Island. It is a new industry and has the potential to create an exciting career pathway. There is a huge sense of pride in the people working in the digital service centre and the broader community,” Ms Atkinson said.

“In terms of the future, our plans are to continue to grow and improve. We will continue to support the digital service centre staff and develop the local leadership within the team. There is also potential to expand First Nations digital service centre operations on Palm Island and elsewhere.”

Queensland Government Chief Customer and Digital Officer Chris McLaren said the digital service centre model was a nation-leading digital transformation program with an overarching goal to create a strong local digital economy through local digital jobs and careers as well as a broader digital transformation of the community.

“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in Queensland’s discrete First Nation’s communities are among the most digitally excluded in Australia,” Mr McLaren said.

“Enhanced access to the digital economy brings employment, connection, digital literacy, prosperity, improved health, improved living standards and greater self-determination for First Nations communities in ways that few other innovations or industries can match.”

Advance Queensland Deadly Innovation Senior Engagement Office Marie Hebblewhite described the project as having a significant and positive impact on the Palm Island community.

“I am extremely proud to be part of this project and the differences we’re helping to make in community,” Ms Hebblewhite said.

“We’re looking forward to future activations in other Queensland communities.”

The Palm Island facility is located in a retail precinct in the island's town centre, located 65 kilometres north of Townsville.

Learn more about the Our Thriving Digital Future, Queensland’s Digital Economy Strategy and Advance Queensland Deadly Innovation Strategy (PDF, 1.2MB).

Last updated: 08 Dec 2023