Queensland has a well-connected, inclusive and thriving innovation ecosystem

Priority outcome 6 — Queensland has a well-connected, inclusive and thriving innovation ecosystem

Our priority is a connected and inclusive innovation ecosystem. Inclusivity and diversity are critical for building a sustainable Queensland innovation ecosystem. This requires targeted support for our regional, female and First Nations innovators. The Queensland Chief Entrepreneur and Innovation Advisory Council provide the leadership and engagement required to accelerate a strong innovation economy.

Our objectives are to:

  • Increase the participation of priority cohorts (including regional, female and First Nations innovators) in the Queensland innovation ecosystem.
  • Improve business digital readiness.
  • Increase regional economic diversification.
Key initiatives Lead agency
Deliver the Deadly Business 2032 Pilot.*  DESBT
Deliver the Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network.* DESI
Continue to deliver the Queensland Women in STEM Prize.* DESI
Deliver the Advance Queensland Regional Futures initiative and other regional innovation and collaboration activities. DESI
Deliver the Female Founders Program. DESI
Deliver the Deadly Innovation Strategy. DESI
Continue to provide leadership and engage with the ecosystem. QCE and IAC
Deliver the Ecosystem Connections and Health and Wellbeing program. QCE
Cohost the BiiG Conference. QCE
Deliver the 222 in 2022 innovation ecosystem stories campaign. QCE
Deliver the innovation ecosystem support strategy. QCE
Connect the regions with opportunities to develop innovation and grow their community. IAC
Increase awareness and connection of our entrepreneurs and innovators across the broader global community and showcase Queensland innovation success stories. IAC
Establish annual Premier Innovation Awards. QCE

* New initiative included for delivery

Lead agencies:

  • DESBT - Department of Employment, Small Business and Training
  • DESI - Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  • DSDI - Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • IAC - Innovation Advisory Council
  • QCE - Queensland Chief Entrepreneur