People Tech Revolution is a Queensland-based company that focuses on creating tech with a difference – designed with and for the people who use it.

They have experience working across a range of industries including health, telecommunications, technology, and human resources, and expertise in creating immersive empathy programs for mental health, chronic conditions, gerontology, gender and youth.

People Tech Revolution was recently awarded $40,000 from Advance Queensland to support the development of a virtual reality training package with Mater Education.

Mater Education provided a further $110,000 towards the project as part of its partnership with Advance Queensland's Corporate Innovation Network.

Through this partnership, People Tech Revolution developed a custom-made immersive version of Mater’s Speaking with Good Judgement course, which guides staff through scenarios where they identify opportunities for improvement in the workplace and gives them the confidence to speak up in those situations.

Prior to this project, People Tech Revolution’s clients had been interstate and overseas, with Mater now their first Queensland client.

People Tech Revolution is proud to show how world-leading, immersive soft-skills experiences can be made right here in Queensland.

Last updated: 10 Aug 2023