Coming together for problem solving

The Datathon is a rare opportunity to unite traditional wisdom, cutting-edge AI, and modern technology to create transformative and ground-breaking results.

The Datathon:

  • engages students in digital innovation and encourages technology innovation to be transferred into the community
  • educates and trains computer scientists in handling data and developing tools that solve real world problems
  • creates connections and fosters collaborative engagement between technologists and Indigenous communities.

The Indigenous Australian Datathon 2023

The Indigenous Australian Datathon 2023 was a huge success.

It exceeded its targets for partnerships, support and participants. The primary goal was to explore data to help solve a range of significant community issues.

The weekend-long event at James Cook University Ideas Lab in Cairns drew 150 people from across the innovation ecosystem. They included data professionals and students and more than 70 participants identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.

Attendees worked in teams, each led by a community Elder or Leader, to address a problem faced in their communities. They were tasked with creating a digital solution using Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML).

The challenges of bushfire management

One of the technology challenges examined was bushfire management.

Michael George from Girringun Aboriginal Rangers said combining data with the experience of First Nations people is key to bushfire management.

Could access to data and technology enable Indigenous Ranger groups to reduce bushfire risk and severity?

‘We cover 1.2 million hectares with only 12 rangers and we’re preparing or responding to bushfires year-round,’ Mr George said.

‘The solution our team has designed combines the traditional knowledge and experience of rangers with data sources and AI to help our rangers have the right tools to keep our people and communities safe.’

Other technology challenges considered over the week included:

  • the creation of digital twins and algorithms to improve diabetes management
  • improving boating safety in the Torres Strait by using tracking technology.

Connect industry and partners

Kelvin Ross, Chief Operating Officer of software quality engineering consultancy KJR is a key sponsor of the Indigenous Australian Datathon and Chair of the Queensland AI Hub . He said the event aims to connect industry and partners to help create better community outcomes.

‘Building partnerships is key to creating digital opportunities for remote and regional communities, Indigenous business and people,’ Mr Ross said.

‘The Datathon is a key initiative to ignite the connections, understand the direction of technologies, and see how it can unlock opportunity. It’s a starting point to build connections and foster partnership.’

The Indigenous Datathon is delivered through the Advance Queensland Deadly Innovation Strategy and the Office of the Queensland Chief Entrepreneur to create jobs and economic wealth for First Nation Queenslanders.

2023 was the third time the event has been held. Previous datathons have addressed such challenges as:

  • the detection and classification of world heritage listed Aboriginal rock art
  • an AI-enabled otoscope to detect early signs of middle ear disease
  • drone technology for the detection of turtle tracks for an ongoing project with Goondoi Land and Sea Rangers.

Visit the Indigenous Australian Datathon website for more news and outcomes from the event.

Last updated: 08 Nov 2023