Program overview

What are the grant/program objectives?

Regional Enablers Program (REP) aims to:

  • develop innovation activities and services that supports Innovation Driven Enterprises (IDEs) to ideate, startup and scaleup.
  • strengthen regional innovation ecosystems by delivering services that support local IDEs in their communities.
  • activate and improve networks that drive collaborative approaches for IDE growth, through capability uplifts, events and knowledge sharing.
  • accelerate technological innovation and regional adoption in priority industries such as AgTech to transform regional economies.

Applications that include innovation activities and services within the Advance Queensland Priority Investment Areas and/or support inclusion of IDEs including First Nations, female founders and youth innovators in the Queensland innovation ecosystem will be highly regarded.

What will recipients get?

Funding of up to $100,000 (excluding GST) per annum over three years is available for organisations with proposals to deliver additional innovation activities and services outside of their business-as-usual activities, including scaling existing activity and service offerings for regional IDE impact.

Eligibility criteria

The program aims to fund existing innovation enabler organisations based in regional Queensland to deliver innovation activities and services that are new or will scale their existing offerings for regional IDE impact.

To be eligible to apply for this program, the applicant must, at the time of application:

  • be an organisation (not an individual)
  • have an ABN and be registered for GST (at the time of application)
  • be based in a Queensland region, being any local government area, except Brisbane City Council.
  • have a demonstrated track record (over a minimum of 12 months prior to date of application) of delivering innovation activities, services, and/or events to develop regional innovation ecosystems
  • not have any outstanding reporting or acquittals for grants awarded by Advance Queensland

Applicants and their related corporate entities are limited to one application per funding round.

The program will not support:

  • applications from innovation enabler organisations that are currently receiving Queensland Government funding for the proposed additional innovation activities and services.
  • applications for delivery of general business support services, e.g., business basics for small business/business in general. (Applicants must demonstrate a focus on delivery of innovation activities and services).
  • applications from consulting firms, financial institutions, government agencies (state and federal) and government owned corporations.

Supporting resources

Additional support