Advance Queensland was launched in 2015 and is a significant investment by the Queensland Government to drive a more diversified Queensland economy, strengthen regional growth and create jobs.

Since inception, AQ has supported more than 8,190 recipients whose projects have directly driven over 33,000 jobs and leveraged $1 billion in funds from external partners and investors.

Current statistics – June 2024

The Advance Queensland – Innovation for a Future Economy: 2022–2032 Roadmap (the Roadmap) was launched in July 2022 and sets out the direction, key priority outcomes and initiatives for the next phase in Queensland’s innovation journey.

The Roadmap is a whole-of-government plan that reflects the innovation efforts and investments by all Queensland Government agencies.

Since July 2022, approximately $95 million of AQ Roadmap funding has been committed to support over 250 recipients, who have reported that their projects are supporting more than 6,850 jobs. $38.84 million has already been paid and the remaining funds of approximately $56 million will be paid out progressively in line with contractual milestones.*

This investment has led to almost $86 million being contractually committed by program partners, including industry and investors.

Of the Roadmap recipients, 62 (25%) are located in regional Queensland, 82 (or 33%) identify as female, and 20 (or 8%) identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

More than 2000 (29%) of jobs supported by AQ Roadmap funding are being reported by regional recipients, over 1,900 (28%) being reported by female recipients and over 700 (10%) being reported by First Nations recipients.

Key Advance Queensland funded programs under the Advance Queensland Roadmap include:

Additional Roadmap achievements

Additional achievements from other initiatives listed in the Roadmap are also available.

* It should be noted that commitments may be subject to change as the department enters into new contracts, and changes such as contract terminations and return of unspent funds.

Last updated: 23 Jul 2024