Queensland XR company uncovers global opportunity

Addressing how we lower carbon emissions and move towards a decarbonised future is the focus of a new initiative, delivered in partnership with the Resources Centre of Excellence, GW3 and Advance Queensland. 

At a unique event hosted this week by the Queensland XR Hub, Real Serious Games was named as the winning business. 

Real Serious Games will receive $80,000 in joint funding from Advance Queensland and the Resources Centre of Excellence to help develop their proof-of-concept on how XR can be used to reduce carbon outputs across the Mining and Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Sector. 

The first event of its kind, the Decarbonisation Accelerated XR Pitch Challenge encouraged small-medium immersive technology businesses to pitch their product that will assist downstream supply-chain businesses in the acceleration of decarbonisation. 

The judging panel, including Queensland’s Chief Geologist Tony Knight heard from three businesses from across Queensland’s XR ecosystem on how their product addresses decarbonisation and diversification of the state’s mining regions. 

This event, and the subsequent pilot project will spotlight the fantastic capability of the immersive technology sector in Queensland and help create new opportunities for Queensland’s XR businesses with some of the world's biggest mining companies. 

Read more about the event. 

Last updated 14 Sep, 2023
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