Program overview

Who is it for?

This grant is designed for teachers, scientists, organisations, citizen science groups and other community groups.

Funding is open to applicants who are Queensland-based with an Australian Business Number.

What are the grant/program objectives?

The Engaging Science Grants are offered to increase participation in science-based activities and engagement between scientists and the whole community. Events and activities that inspire students to study STEM subjects, promote STEM careers, and engage the wider community to increase awareness of the Queensland scientific ecosystem, as well as projects that build critical thinking skills and science literacy may be submitted.

What does it involve?

The applicant’s project must engage Queenslanders in science – such as events, activities, educational workshops or other science engagement projects.

Events and projects need to be delivered within a 12-month period.

The types of activities eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • delivering student (primary, secondary and tertiary) events, activities or citizen science projects involving students, teachers and others
  • organising open houses e.g. invite the local community to a conducted tour of your scientific premises
  • providing events, seminars or workshops that connect scientists with community groups to promote Queensland scientists and science programs
  • enhancing existing technology or use of new technology by participants as part of the engagement activities
  • creating training resources and then using them in engagement activities.

Projects that engage a wide group of stakeholders, target under-represented groups such as First Nations people, girls and women, disadvantaged groups, or involve Queenslanders from regional or remote areas, and those that show a self-sustaining component, will be looked upon favourably. Applicants who have not received previous funding in the 2024 round will be highly regarded by the assessment panel.

An applicant can only apply for one (1) grant per project. An applicant may lodge multiple grant applications providing these are for different projects.

What are the grant/program goals?

Projects must align with the community pillar goals outlined in the Future Queensland Science Strategy:

  • increase public awareness and appreciation of science and innovation, including acknowledgement of First Nations cultural knowledge in local communities and its connections to western science
  • promote the importance of science literacy and critical thinking skills
  • grow opportunities for scientists to engage with the community
  • promote STEM careers to increase the pipeline for the jobs of the future.

What will recipients get?

Grants of up to $20,000 each (excluding GST) are available to support applicants deliver events, activities or projects for up to 12-months. The Department has allocated up to $500,000 (excluding GST) for this round of grants.

Submission deadline

The grants close 4pm AEST on Friday 27 September 2024.

How do you apply?

Applications must be submitted via the online SmartyGrants portal.


Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for a grant, an applicant must have an address located in Queensland, such as an office, chapter or campus. Applicants must also have current public liability insurance and an Australian Business Number (ABN).

A Queensland Government department is not eligible to apply for an Engaging Science Grant. However, a Queensland Government employee who works as a volunteer of a community group or as a teacher may be eligible to apply.

Recipients of other government or non-government grants are eligible to apply, however the applicant must report any cash contribution towards the project in the application form (budget section).

Collaboration between institutions e.g. organisations, research institutes, media organisations or community groups will be highly regarded, as will activities that involve co-contribution (cash or in-kind) to the project.

If we know of any groups delivering similar projects in your geographic area, we will introduce you to encourage collaboration.

Applicants will be required to have appropriate industry requirements.

Read the full eligibility requirements on the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist website.


If you have questions about this program, contact us by calling 07 3330 6360.

Supporting resources

Find all the program and application documents:

Additional support

Previous recipients

Read about the projects funded under the Engaging Science Grants program.