Colab 4010: a co-working community of professionals, creatives and artists

Sara Taghaode is the Queensland female founder of Colab 4010, a co-working space in Albion, Brisbane for professionals, creatives and artists.

Sara is passionate about creating a supportive community for their tenants in an inclusive and friendly environment.

Colab 4010 has private offices, dedicated desks and studio space available, with current tenants including designers, photographers, a tailor, digital marketing agency, furniture builder, florist, visual artists, startups and filmmakers.

They also host regular events and support artists and creatives in any way they can.

We recently spoke to Sara and chatted about Colab 4010 and her journey as a Queensland female founder.

What inspired you to start your business? 

I started Colab because I wanted to create a space that would help build a creative community in Brisbane that my own business could exist within. I also co-own a film production business called Kiosk Film

Our initial plan was to target artists and makers as tenants here at Colab, but we quickly pivoted realising what we were creating was hugely appealing to creative professionals. 

Over the last five years we are proud to have built a space that is not only inclusive and welcoming for people from all walks of life, but is positively impacted by the community of people that have spent time in the space and grown their businesses, ideas, plans and who have then grown out of the space, but still remain connected. 

What milestones have you reached? 

Before the 2022 floods we were consistently fully tenanted and providing the space for workshops, exhibitions, writing groups, supper clubs and other arts centric events. 

What business achievements are you most proud of to date? 

2022 has been the hardest year of our lives. The flood totally wiped out Colab 4010 and I am so proud of the way we are rebuilding to be not just a more beautiful space but much more flood resilient. The way our community banded together to help and support us has been absolutely mind blowing and I feel so lucky that Colab has affected so many people in this positive way. 

Whats your advice for other female entrepreneurs and businesses starting out on their entrepreneurship journey? 

Make a plan with small steps and just start. You don’t have to have everything figured out in the beginning, because let me assure you, your plans will change the minute you start! Be nimble in your business and respond to what the market actually wants. 

Last updated 19 Oct, 2022
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