Celebrating BIRG’s achievements

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Business and Innovation Reference Group (BIRG) encompasses an outstanding group of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurs, business leaders and researchers to provide strategic advice on matters that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

The reference group aims to help increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurs and innovators and support the development of existing businesses across Queensland. 

Since BIRG’s inception in 2016, the group has strived to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurs and innovators and supported the development of existing businesses across Queensland. 

During the last six years, BIRG has celebrated many achievements and successes. One of the group’s major milestones was the development of the Deadly Innovation Strategy (PDF, 2.6MB), which was co-designed with the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport and other key stakeholders. The strategy aims to increase economic opportunities and independence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through greater involvement in the innovation economy. It does this by creating pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, innovators, leaders, or future leaders to turn their ideas into reality, so they can build wealth and create jobs.

BIRG has paved the way to ensure the Queensland Government and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people work together to support Indigenous businesses and people in Queensland.

Find out more about how we’re supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses and innovators.

Last updated 15 Sep, 2022
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