The Ultimate Pitch Workshop: How to Get What You Want

The Ultimate Pitch is a high energy, interactive workshop where we get up close and personal with the secrets of pitching

Event info


  • Wednesday, 18 October, 2023
  • 9:00am - 14:00pm


Innovate Moreton Bay


North Lakes Hotel
22 Lakefield Drive
North Lakes QLD 4509

Do you ever wish you could just get what you want?
Does walking into a networking room fill you with nerves?
Do you wish just once you could pitch well enough to close deals fast?

Here is a very simple, inarguable truth…to get whatever you want you must get GREAT at pitching!

Not just when it's time to get funding and collaborations underway for your next incredible start-up, or when you need help to push through the roller-coaster that is the scale-up stage.

You need to build the skills to be great at everyday pitching – and it's ALL in the words that you use!

You can do just that when you register for the Ultimate Pitch Workshop 

The Ultimate Pitch is a high-energy, interactive workshop where we get up close and personal with the secrets of pitching and absolutely perfect for you if:

  • You never quite nail the answer to ‘what do you do’
  • You stumble through the one and two minute introduction in a network meeting
  • Walking into a networking room steals every bit of confidence you thought you had
  • Your business presentations are not getting attention, or interest, that lead to conversion
  • Your biggest, unspeakable secret, is your business revenue is not where you know it should be

And you want to:

  • Nail your everyday pitch
  • Be filled with confidence as you walk into a room
  • Understand how to answer ‘what do you do’ and accelerate interest
  • Be so damn clear that the wrong people walk away from you still loving you
  • Have a framework for creating pitches for any audience that keep and convert attention

And you are prepared to:

  • Get on your feet and play with us
  • Bring what you’ve got and make it better
  • Be open, curious, and have a whole lot of fun
  • Walk away with knowledge that will change your game forever

