Advance Queensland Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

This most recent Framework represents Advance Queensland’s ongoing commitment to best practice monitoring and evaluation.

This Framework outlines the high-level approach and strategy for monitoring the implementation of the Advance Queensland – Innovation for a Future Economy: 2022–2032 Roadmap (the Roadmap) and evaluating its impact on Queensland businesses, industry and economic performance.

As with previous versions, it sets the foundation for principles-based, robust and pragmatic evaluative activities and describes the approach for performance, progress and system-level monitoring.

It is intended to guide those that are responsible for commissioning and conducting evaluations, and provide an overview of how innovation stakeholders interact with monitoring and evaluation.

Implementation of the Framework aims to:

  • Understand the complex and evolving nature of the innovation system and the links between activities and outcomes.
  • Embed monitoring and evaluation within each stage of the policy cycle to ensure initiatives and programs are well tested and continuously improved.
  • Reflect contemporary practice in matching evaluation types to programs, initiatives and outcomes.

Monitoring and evaluative activities delivered under this Framework are supported by a range of addendums and internal guidance materials. These include detailed program logics and indicator frameworks, data management guidance, and evaluation plans.

The Framework, addendums and guidance material will be periodically reviewed to ensure they remain fit for purpose and abreast of evaluative recommendations and developments.


Read the Advance Queensland Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PDF, 3.53 MB)
