Queensland has world-class innovation infrastructure to drive ideas through to commercialisation, adoption and diffusion

Priority outcome 5 — Queensland has world-class innovation infrastructure to drive ideas through to commercialisation, adoption and diffusion

Our priority is innovation precincts and places. We need to develop our innovation precincts and places across Queensland so that researchers, innovators and businesses can collaborate and turn ideas into innovative products and services. Queensland’s statewide network of innovation hubs play an important role in growing our regional innovation economy.

Our objectives are to:

  • Position Queensland precincts, places and hubs to reach their full potential for attracting investment and creating jobs.
  • Co-locate innovation precincts and places with research, education and training institutes.
  • Improve digital infrastructure accessibility.
Key initiatives Lead agency
Deliver an education precinct model.* DoE
Deliver the Cairns Health Innovation Centre project.* Health
Deliver a global vaccine hub* DSDI
Develop a long-term strategy for The Precinct. DESI
Collaborate on delivery of the SEQ City Deal Innovation Economy Fund. DESI/DSDI
Support Queensland’s statewide innovation hubs network. DESI
Deliver the Queensland Innovation Precincts and Places Strategy. DESI
Continue to deliver the Research Infrastructure Co-investment Fund to leverage investments by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. DESI
Deliver a Smart Farm initiative to increase rates of technology adoption, adaptation and job creation in AgTech development and manufacturing. DAF

*New initiative included for delivery


  • DAF -  Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • DoE - Department of Education
  • DESI - Department of Environment, Science and Innovation
  • DSDI - Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • Health - Queensland Health
  • QRA - Queensland Reconstruction Authority