GreenKPI transitioning businesses to sustainability

Johanna Kloot is the Queensland #FemaleFounder behind GreenKPI – sustainability software that drives change with step-by-step actions designed to transition businesses to sustainability.   

GreenKPI provides hundreds of practical sustainability actions for completion by staff with no experience in sustainability. Subscribers can register as suppliers, creating a network of buyers and suppliers supporting each other to complete sustainability actions, providing transparency in supply chains.  

Essentially, GreenKPI provides businesses with the complete sustainability toolkit.  

We sat down with Johanna and chatted more about her business and her journey as a Queensland #FemaleFounder.   

What inspired you to start your business?  

It was when my brother had his first child. Being a new Aunty, I was inspired to be a part of the solution to the problems my nephew would face in a rapidly changing world.  

What milestones have you reached?  

GreenKPI is on the verge of entering the mass market. We have a handful of paying customers to work with as we seek our market fit.  

What business achievements are you most proud of to date?  

The responses I receive when demonstrating GreenKPI to businesses from all parts of the world.  

Have you participated in any Advance Queensland programs, or received any support from Advance Queensland to date?  

Yes, with the ACE forum.  

What’s your advice for other female entrepreneurs and businesses starting out on their entrepreneurship journey?   

Carry out due diligence on all partners, no matter who they are. No one gets a free pass. All contracts need legal scrutiny before signing.  

Last updated 07 Jun, 2022
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